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At 54, Kanayo O Kanayo unveils KOKMA

The veteran actor and UN ambassador of peace said that mentoring youths in all facets of life has been his long term goal and he is happy that he has officially unveiled the program. kanayo-Speaking about the event, the Imo State-born veteran actor said, “This project was due to be unveiled on March 1, 2012 which was my birthday. 

But because it fell on the same day
Chief Odimegwu Ojukwu was to be buried, I decided to postpone it. That is why we have decided to officially unveil the project today. I have always had this dream of giving back to my society and I want to do so through mentoring of the young ones in our society today. I decided to do a thing of this nature due to what I have observed in our society today. There is a wide gap between what we had then as youths and what is obtained in our youths of today. I have once been a youth and I know what it takes. I want our youths to know that they can be whatever they wish to be in life through sheer determination, and they should not allow anything to sway them. This academy is coming to educate the youths to enable them discover their talents and harvest them. It is time our youths started looking for ways to improve our society instead of saying negative things about the society. It is not going to be a formal school. We have assembled a team which includes all areas of life and we will be going to public schools to enlighten the youths. It is going to be a face-to-face approach.”

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