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My Book Of Short Stories: Puny Vessels

Puny vessels
Ngozi! My Mother called, when I came she said to me take your brother home, I will be coming later when I close from the market. I frowned & murmured because it was already late.
So I carried my brother Nkem who was already dizzy on my back, I was walking on a lonely path home, when I suddenly saw a tricycle stop in my front, the passengers commanded me to come in I refused, one of the men therein had to come down  & dragged me inside the tricycle, thus leaving Nkem on the bush path, I shouted & tried to beg them that Nkem was too young to be left alone but to no avail, they tied my mouth, and drove to an unknown uncompleted building, where they told me if I fail to cooperate with them, they will kill me & bury my corpse. I begged them that I was only fourteen & my dad died a decade ago leaving my poor mother behind, that they shouldn’t hurt me, that fell on deaf ears as the men began to flog me with belts after about 30 minutes of torture, the leader of the group began to unzip his trousers, I begged & pleaded that he shouldn’t, he pushed me on the floor & laid on me, suddenly the second guy in the group started an argument that he should be the first to go in with me afterall he was the one that sighted me, that was how they started fighting.
I said to myself this is an opportunity for me to desert from them, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me until I met a good Samaritan who took me home. Where i met my mother, Nkem and other Neighbours looking worried.
follow me on twitter www.twitter.com/imcwise1 www.fb.com/emceewise1 I.G: mc_wise1

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